mardi 2 octobre 2007

Mesothelioma Sarcoma

What Is Mesothelioma Sarcoma?

Between the two forms of tumors of the mesothelioma, which are either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), the latter is more common and dangerous, popularly known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is characterized by its dangerous potential to spread to other parts of the body.

Types of Mesothelioma

There are three different types of Mesothelioma:

1) Ephitheliod: It affects the membranous tissue covering the internal organs and surfaces of the body. Though majority of the mesothelioma cases occurring today belong to this type, it has the best prognosis (outlook for survival or treatment).

2) Sarcomatoid: It is also known as mesothelioma sarcoma. It arises from supportive tissues such as bones, muscles, cartilages and fats. About 7% to 20% of mesothelioma cases are of this type.

3) Mixed/Biphasic: 20% to 35% of mesothelioma cases belong to this type. It carries both the features of the above two types.

The treatment options remain the same for all the types.

Physical Aspects of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma arising from the chest cavity are known as pleural mesothelioma and amounts to an approximate three fourths of the total cases. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which starts and spreads in the abdomen, constitutes 10% to 20% mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma affecting the covering of the testicles, which is in fact an out- pouching of peritoneum into the scrotum, is rather uncommon. Cases of Pericardial Mesothelioma that starts in the cavities of the heart are also very rare.

Mesothelioma and the Masses
New cases of mesothelioma, even though they are less common, amount from 2000 to 3000 every year only in the United States. Most of the patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are from the age group of 50 years and above with majority being the people in the seventies.

This is primarily due to their exposure to asbestos in the 1940s and 1950s or even earlier. Exposure victims of later year’s i.e.1970s and 1980s are yet to be diagnosed. Men are more susceptible than females with male victims constituting 3 to 5 times higher in numbers than females. This is probably because during that period women liberation movements were started, which resulted into barring them from construction works. On the racial parameters, it is more common among the Caucasians than African Americans.

Even though mesothelioma sarcoma cases are rare, they are extremely dangerous. People diagnosed with the disease are mostly in their last and critical stages, making their treatment more difficult in comparison to other forms of cancer. The survival time ranges from one to two years. With unparallel advancements in modern science and medical technology, chances of mesothelioma treatment and recovery have always been increasing.

The good news is that the patients suffering from mesothelioma sarcoma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure.

About Author :

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma Law Suit

What You Need to Know about a Mesothelioma Law Suit,

There is some important information you should be aware of if you are considering pursuing a Mesothelioma Law Suit. Prior to pursuing a Mesothelioma Law Suit you should seek advice from a reputable Mesothelioma Law Firm and gain an understanding of Mesothelioma Law.

A Mesothelioma Law suit can be costly, but it can also provide you with adequate compensation that will help cover your legal, medical and ongoing expenses, related to your Mesothelioma Cancer.

Previously, there have been cases in which the Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers have received thousands of dollars in compensation for their diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer, due to exposure to an Asbestos related substance.

Currently, Mesothelioma Law is favorable towards Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers, who have been exposed to an Asbestos related substance through their work environment and companies are required to compensate their present, or previous employees for non-disclosure of the risks involved with handling an Asbestos related substance.

Mesothelioma Law works on the premise that this exposure to an asbestos related substance without prior knowledge has lead to the injury, or sometimes death of the Mesothelioma sufferer.

In almost all cases, whether indicated as injury, or death, the sufferer of Mesothelioma Cancer has had their life span considerable shortened, due to this exposure to an asbestos related substance.

Due to the legal processes of conducting a Mesothelioma Law suit, anyone who has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer and suspect, or know, that they were exposed to an asbestos related substance in the past, during their working life, should seek legal advice immediately.

Beginning your Mesothelioma Law suit early will ensure that you acquire adequate compensation in time to help with your medical expenses and ongoing support and treatment.

In order to begin a Mesothelioma Law suit you will need to find an experienced Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, that can usually be found at a reputable Mesothelioma Law Firm.

It is important that you disclose all information surrounding your Mesothelioma Cancer, including your diagnosis and prognosis, to your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, as this will help them to form a solid Mesothelioma Law suit for your case.

You should also try to provide your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer with details pertaining to the period in which your exposure occurred, who you where working for at the time and any details regarding whether you had prior knowledge of your exposure.

All information surrounding your Mesothelioma Cancer is important and will ensure that your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, will be successful in your Mesothelioma Law suit. So, if you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, seek appropriate legal advice.

About Author :
Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here: .htm

Early Detection Of Any Disease Is The Key So What Are The First Symptoms Of Lung Cancer?

Much research work has been dedicated to find out the first symptoms of lung cancer. Cancer is that painful disease that needs no introduction and cancer of the lung is one of its most common forms. It is said that early detection of cancer is the key to its prevention.

Extensive research works conducted at Mesothelioma research clinics have uncovered some symptoms of lung cancer closely linked with the disease.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

People addicted to tobacco and those who are constantly exposed to the ill effects of asbestos are more susceptible to lung cancer. Ignorance about the symptoms of lung cancer may lead to a full-fledged blown up case.

Be on alert if you are having cough most of the time. This is one of the first symptoms. A related symptom may be a change in the nature of coughing. Other symptoms may be- being short of breath and coughing up bloodstained sputum. Mesothelioma research has established that aches while breathing, loss of appetite, fatigue and loss of weight can also be the first symptoms of the cancer of the lung.

These are considered to be the primary symptoms of lung cancer. There are secondary symptoms too.

Sudden development of a hoarse voice is one of the secondary lung cancer symptoms. Difficulty in swallowing is considered as another symptom of cancer of the lung.

Swelling of the face due to blockage of main blood vessel and swelling of neck due to enlarged lymph nodes may be other symptoms as well.

Treat pain in the right rib region and shortness of breath due to accumulation of fluid as warning signals of cancer of the lung. When you notice any of them, visit your physician for a thorough check-up.

Let’s combat the deadly lung cancer together.

About Author :

Jon Butt publishes www.the-mesothelioma-guide.comWith the web being packed with mis-information www.the-mesothelioma-guide.comis a leading free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. Helping both you and your loved ones

Mesothelioma Lawyers and victims

Mesothelioma Lawyers Helping The Mesothelioma Victims

Mesothelioma lawyers are legal experts specializing in lawsuits for compensation to mesothelioma victims. Among the many forms of cancer, Mesothelioma is a rare manifestation that attacks the linings of the internal organs. Mesothelioma has a 100% mortality rate and occurs in people exposed to poisonous dust particles emanating from asbestos or related products. Victims of such exposure can hope to be compensated by approaching specialized legal professionals, aptly called mesothelioma lawyers.

Mesothelioma lawyers: A Helping Hand:

Victims of asbestos poisoning can approach mesothelioma lawyers if they want to take legal action against the company or individual responsible for their condition. In fact, many such victims have won lawsuits and financial compensation running into millions of dollars. In some cases, the money recovered has sustained a family for years even after the death of the victim. Mesothelioma lawyers also help to obtain disability benefits and workers compensation for those affected with the disease.

If the exposure to asbestos poisoning was caused by the accused party's negligence even years ago, a mesothelioma lawyer can still fight for compensation, which might have been denied years ago. Lawyers fighting for asbestos related lawsuits argue the cases as product liability claims under the theories of negligence and strict liability. Generally, a lawsuit is filed against the company, where the victim was employed. Because every affected employee has a unique work history, the attorney must dedicate sufficient time and attention to investigate each case in detail.

Fee Structure of Mesothelioma Lawyers:

Mesothelioma lawyers charge their clients only after the successful completion of a case. This fee plan is called a contingent fee plan wherein a percentage of the compensation received goes to the lawyer as the fee and the lawyers do not charge a fee if the victim does not get a compensation. Normally the lawyers first identify the offending party, and then file the lawsuit in the state where the laws are more pro-employees. This increases the chances of securing a positive verdict. However, in cases of companies are granted immunity under bankruptcy laws, mesothelioma lawyers are there again to assist in arranging out of court settlements.

About Author :
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and